Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Sessions:
Horses are natural communicators and provide honest reactions and feedback to individual’s behaviors. The focus of EAP is self-exploration, insight, and skills building. Experiential learning with a specialized treatment team, EAP allows clients to learn from natural successes, mistakes, and provide opportunities for growth through interactions with horses. EAP is offered in addition to or in place of traditional office therapy sessions.
EAP Can Be Effective For:
Marriage & Family Relationships
Relationship & Communication Skills
Increased Self-Esteem & Confidence
Depression & Anxiety Disorders
Abuse, Trauma, & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Eating Disorders
Personality Disorders
Anger Management
Emotion Regulation
Life Skills & Problem Solving
Improved Boundary Setting
Increased Self-Discipline & Self-Evaluation
What To Expect:
Equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) sessions are composed of a therapist, equine specialist (ES), and one or more horses. Clients will meet with the same therapist each visit for both EAP and in-office sessions. Standard session length is one hour and includes groundwork activities and may incorporate therapeutic riding or driving as guided by the interest level and treatment goals of the client. EAP may consist of individual, couples, families, or group sessions and can be utilized by children, adolescents, and adults. To ensure safety and comfort, clients are asked to wear close-toed footwear and clothing appropriate for the weather.
Horse experience is not needed for EAP sessions; however, we ask that you keep an open mind and come with the willingness to engage and try. SpringHaven welcomes all with open, non-judgmental arms and will provide a calm atmosphere for you to develop new healthy skills.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Fees:
Standard Equine Assisted Individual Session:
$105.00 (Self-pay at the time of service)
Standard Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Group Session:
Pricing varies, please call our Mt. Eaton office at (330)-359-6100 for more information.â?¨
* Due to the number of treatment team members involved per session, the price above reflects an additional $25.00 fee from our normal counseling rates. Insurance companies do NOT pay the additional $25.00 fee for equine assisted psychotherapy, which means you are responsible for paying the additional $25.00 fee.
Getting Started:
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call our Mt. Eaton office at (330)-359-6100.
Additional Information/Resources:
Hope Rising By Kim Meeder
Horses with a Mission By Allen Anderson
Chosen by a Horse By Susan Richards