Equine Program History

In November 2010 the dream for the Equine Program was born in an interview between the Executor Director and an Equine Assisted Guided and Learning Association (EAGALA) Trained Therapist.  As the research, efficacy and current needs were explored and affirmed we began using the EAGALA model.  Services were provided in the small aisle of a three stall barn and when weather permitted outdoors with three horses.

The effectiveness of this treatment modality became readily apparent and by June of 2011 the Equine Therapy Program became a weekly part of our intensive group therapy program.  With the increase of clients came an immediate need for more staff; another Equine Specialist (ES), Therapist and horse were added.

The staff worked vigorously to grow and develop the program, continuing their education/certifications and seeking out more and more effective ways of using horses in treatment.  Further fencing was added for larger pasture space as our herd grew and an outdoor sand arena was added. 

In the fall of 2012, the staff was introduced to an additional, well researched modality called Natural Lifemanship (NL).  The effectiveness of this modality launched the Equine Program to its next level leading to the hiring of additional staff, horses, larger pastures, and the building of a run-in shed.

Currently SpringHaven’s Equine Program has four staff members and 6 horses.  Equine sessions are held outside in the sand arena when the weather permits or in our new heated indoor arena.  The new indoor arena was finished September 2015 with the help and contributions from the community.

© 2025 SpringHaven Counseling Center

Mt. Eaton Office - 330.359.6100
Fountain Office - 330.927.2020